Dream Time Sound Healing

 Dream Time Sound Healing is sacredly held space, in which participants are submerged into various sound vibrations from a multitude of instruments tuned with medicinal frequency. The sound healing techniques activate, massage, and restore each chakra as well as subtle body energies, pathways, and the auric field to resonate with the higher frequencies of consciousness. It is a unique marriage of science and spirit, via shamanic and yogic practices taking your brain to the alpha, beta, and eventually the even deeper theta and delta wave states. This is a must feel experience and has been known to produce incredible results in relieving stress, anxiety, ptsd, & pain. It also induces deep relaxation, more restful sleep, internal releases, cellular regeneration, profound insight, past life healings, and is overall life changing.


Experience the power of sound:

The sound healing techniques activate each chakra, massage your subtle bodies, and are designed to resonate with the higher frequencies of consciousness as you are guided to an inner journey to amplify the vision of life in a wider scape.


Benefits? Yes Please!

Sound baths can not only provide deep relaxation and the best night of sleep you’ve ever had, they can also help you feel more grounded and even help alleviate anxiety, PTSD and pain.


Are Sound baths good for you?

Heck yeah! They are especially effective at counteracting the effects of stress. Also, in addition to contributing to deep relaxation, sound baths, can be very helpful with anxiety, anger, fear, depression, ptsd, sleep, and even physical pain . By experiencing a sound bath, you can provide your whole body with a reset

Wait, there’s more?

  • Calms and soothes the cells within our body

  • Balances both hemispheres of the brain

  • Improve sleep

  • Increase vital energy flow

  • Increase creativity, intuition and motivation

  • Calms the mind

  • Reduction of stress and anxiety

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Allows you to connect to higher self

  • An act of self-love

Studies have shown that sound can activate all parts of the brain, ease stress and anxiety, reduce pain, improve immune function, and lift the spirits.



Sharon H.

“I come away from the Sound Baths healed, centered, relaxed and renewed. I recommend this to anyone! Spend an evening getting revitalized with two of the most loving people our community is blessed to have.”

Aiko T.

“I had a most amazing and transforming experience that guided me to a full night's sleep. I haven't slept that deeply throughout the last year.”

David A.

“To any one considering coming to a dream time i highly recommend it. It is a wonderful and magical experience.”

Amy S.

“One of the most beautiful experiences I've had! many of us were brought to tears. Happy tears. Highly recommend. Go in with an open mind. Bring lots of comfy blankets and pillows and let go!”